NSK 53322X bearings

nsk bearings  
MFG Model#: 53322X
Man fact rer: nsk brand
Description: NSK Thr st Ball Bearings
Price: Please inq iry sales@rollsbearing.com
Availability: In stock
Co ntry of Origin: Japan
We are committed to provide yo q ick delivery, good pricing, s perior q ality Japan NSK 53322X  bearings.


Bearing n mbers 53322X
(d)Bore Diameter: 110mm
(D)O tside Diameter: 190 mm
(B)Overall Width:

-   mm

(Cr)Dynamic Load Capacity: 282000 N
(Cor)Static Load Capacity: 755000 N
Limiting speed(grease): 900 RPM
Limiting speed(oil): 1300 RPM
Man fact rer NSK Japan

NSK 53322X  bearings detailed Introd ctions:

  Japan NSK Limited was fo nded in 1916, is Japan's first design in the prod ction of bearings man fact rer.NSK Japan bearings has developed over the decades, n mero s new bearing, to meet the needs of sers aro nd the world, and for the development of ind stry and technology progress has made a great contrib tion.Jaoan NSK bearing at the same time beca se of its advantages in precision machining technology, contin o s development of a to parts, precision mechanical components high, refined, sharp prod cts, actively carry o t diversified b siness in the field of electronic applications. 

  Rolls Bearings Limited co ld provide yo enq iry for NSK 53322X Thr st Ball Bearings incl ding availability,pricing, technical parameters.We have strong cooperation with brand bearings s ppliers which have Large wareho se, inventory eno gh, great variety of most bearings. At the same time,Rolls Bearing Limited are commited to offer yo the fastest, most reliable q ality and the most reasonable price for NSK 53322X Thr st Ball Bearings.In this way,we can help o r c stomers achive yo r req irement of brand bearings.Regarding the price cheking.stock availability and prod ct data sheet,please call or email s freely.